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The most popular service I offer. Ask one question, get one answer.

Please word the question in a precise manner. The clearer you express your need, the better I can respond.

Why an eQuestion?

An eQuestion is perfect for people wanting to ask just one question, or wish to deal with one question at a time, or don’t have the resources to pay for a full reading. It also gives you the opportunity to sample my abilities at a reasonable cost, and if you are pleased with what you receive you may book a full reading at a later date.

What to Expect.

I email my response in as much detail as I receive from spirit. This might be one line, or several paragraphs. I am focused on quality, not quantity, and I hope you are too. I am motivated to provide as accurate and targeted a response as spirit provides.

Want More?

Please understand this is the entire process. If you have a second question, either a follow-up about the same subject or a different one, please purchase a new eQuestion, or arrange for a phone reading. To arrange a phone or in person reading, please visit my Readings & Consultations page.

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